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Episode One - Secession and Ashley Wilkes - Hosts Alica and Corrin discuss the reasons that they love Gone With the Wind.  There is a serious discussion of the issues that existed before the Civil War began. They discuss the first featured fic of the week- After the Fire by Elm and MW.  There is also a discussion on the featured incomplete fic of the week, The Visitor by Lynn aka Gypsymuse.


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Episode Two - Spoiled Scarlett- Weird and Wonderful on EbayScarlett Before the WarA Break in the Clouds by ElmAnother Day, another Chance by Scrapper <br>

<hr>Episode Three - Courting and Molly Haskell - Exclusive Interview with Molly Haskell, the author of Frankly, my dear: Gone With the Wind Revisited. She so graciously joined the show and discussedit with us. We also discuss:WEird and wonderful of GWTW on Ebay,Victorian Courting,Astray by CaptnScarlett,And Then Tomorrow Came by Viv.<br>

<hr> Episode Four - The right to Secede - Corrin and Alica discuss the issue of secession, is there a right for a state to secede?We discuss the first screening of the movieWeird and Wonderful on EbayComplete Fic: Chasing the Wind by Southern BellaIncomplete Fic: Room and Board by ColorofAngels<br>

<hr> Episode Five - What Where They Thinking - Alica and Corrin discuss the comstock laws and the history of condoms, what was the MM estate thinking over the books that they have chosen to authorize and publish.Weird and Wonderful on ebay. The Greatest Gift by IrisThe Scarlett Tide by SouthernChick<br>

<hr> Episode Six - Insanity and Makeup - Thongs with GWTW tiesWeird and WonderfulDiscussion on Why Gerals went crazyThe history of MakeupFeatured Fic of the Week:Complete: This Year's Love by CornoramaIncomplete: Changing Seasons by Coru<br>

<hr> Episode Seven - Of Insanity and Makeup - Alica and Corrin discuss modern devices that were avaibilble back in Rhett and Scarlett's time.  Would Scarlett have been a pageant mom?The CountessTomorrow<br>

<hr> Episode Eight - Of Pageant Moms and Toys - Alica and Corrin discuss weird and wonderful on ebaythe discovery of lost laysonfour one shotsand more....we are introduced by Gracie and we have our very first edition of Wheel of the Wind.<br>

<hr> Episode Nine - The Book - Gone With the Wind Weird and WonderfulHow Gone With the Wind ws publishedStar Wars and Star Trek crossovers<br>

<hr> Episode Ten -  The Real Tenth Episode - Alica and Corrin discuss GWTW on ebay.Margaret Mitchell and books about her.Crazy fanfics.<br>

<hr> Episode Eleven - Three Horsemen and Porn - Welcoming our new co-host Dani!worse and worserer on ebayDo we take ourselves too seriously?What is the draw of smut?Bonanza CrossoverA Christmas Carol for Scarlett O'Hara<br>

<hr> Episode Twelve - Shattered Screens - <br>

<hr> Episode Thirteen - Corn's Coma <br>

<hr> Episode Fourteen - George of the Wind -  George of the Wind 1:24:12 6/4/2009 The Ofiddle Dee Dee trio discuss George Cuker and our plan for the summerFeatured Fic: Talk of the Town by MW


<hr> Episode Fifteen - BlueBeginnings - The Ladies of oFiddle Dee Dee welcome our friend from Atlanta Bluesneak to the show while we discuss weird and wonderful on ebay, Clark Gable the cub and his cougars, and the myriad of trashy Russian sequels to GWTW,Featured Fic: In the Beginning by BluesneakINcomplete Fic: What if by SpaceGrace<br>

<hr> Episode Sixteen - Origins of the F-Word - Foul language content - origins of the f-word....weird on ebay,featured episode coming soon.,<br>
